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Ritesh Warke On Monday, May 2, 2011


After the success of GlobeSuperSurfer, we worked hard to find a better exploit in Globes Harmony server and have now created HarmonyHacker. HarmonyHacker was written in Python and runs as a local web proxy. It rewrites all requests heading to Globe to include our exploit so that they don't get blocked.

What is HarmonyHacker?
HarmonyHacker exploits a bug in Globes Harmony Proxy server and will let you bypass load and usage checks. It also bypasses traffic shaping so you can download over HTTP as fast as your modem will let you.

How does it work?
HarmonyHacker runs as a local web proxy. You tell your browser to proxy requests through it and it adds the exploit before sending it off to Globe.

Is it safe?
Yes. All requests go directly to Globe. No external proxies, vpn, magic IPs etc.

What does and doesn't work?
Most websites will work, but remember this is still a beta. HTTPs doesn't work.

Possible uses:
  • Surf without load - You can surf without load
  • Surf truly unlimited - Continuing surfing on Globes unlimited SuperSurf package even after passing the fair usage limit
  • Avoid traffic shaping - Even if you have load, you may want to use HarmonyHacker because it bypasses their traffic shaping rules, allowing you to download over HTTP as fast as your modem can handle.

Installation (Windows XP):
Download and install Python 2.5.4

Double clicking HarmonyHacker_XP.pyc should start the application in a command window.
Set Firefox or Chrome or IE to use HTTP proxy server on IP port 8000
If you get a question asking to block or unblock HarmonyHacker, you must choose unblock. This application acts as a middleman to pass your requests through to Globe.

Installation (MAC OS):

Double clicking HarmonyHacker_MAC.pyc should start the application in a command window.
Set Firefox or Chrome or IE to use HTTP proxy server on IP port 8000

HarmonyHacker is especially susceptible to weak Globe Signal. If using your Globe Tattoo inside, please remember to position your modem as close to the window as possible. You can buy a 5m USB extension cable from cdrking for under 100 peso. You can then sit wherever you like while placing your modem near the window.

Reported bugs:
Thanks for reporting bugs, it lets us know what to fix for the next release

POST - There's a problem with POST support in HarmonyHacker. This causes problems using login forms (ie Facebook login) and posting to forums etc. We will fix this in next release.

Slow browsing (But fast downloads) - To ensure compatibility for those with weak signal, we had to set the Idle limit quite high. This means a single slow component can cause lag across the browser. We will provide config option in next release.

Some sites don't render correctly - Some sites are not rendering properly, ie. they don't appear correctly in the browser. This is mostly caused by their servers returning the wrong HTTP status codes. E.g they serve up a 302 instead of a 404 or 303. We will work on improving compatibility in the next release.


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