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Ritesh Warke On Friday, April 22, 2011

Friends Recently I hav posted tutorial for modding jar applications on PC.Now am going to explain how to mod jar apps on your symbian phone.

This tut shows how to mod Opera Mini 5 Beta's server with Indiatimes gateway. It also has some general tips on how to mod the server of Java Internet Apps in general.

So here we start:

1. Unpack the jar file using Jarboom to a folder, say Opera_Mini_Airtel.

2. Open Zntxhan Start Listway and open the class files one by one. url] Now when we open this file B.class, we see that it has the string for the Opera Mini Server.[mini5.Opera etc All we need to do is add the Indiatimes gateway as front query.

3. Save changes, and repack the archive using Jarboom. Install the new file and browse for free. Sounds simple isnt it? But things can get tricky as hell. Where we could get lost and how to get around?

4. The server string need not necessarily be on the same class file for every version. Its in a.class for OM4, in browser.class for some and so on. Likewise for UCWEB it could be in au.class, aw.class, ax.class and so on for differnent versions.

5. Most times for new apps locating the server could be a nighmare. General Tip: All servers do have the string "http" in them. So do a free text search in Zntxhan(shortcut key: 2 for Find string, 5 for Next string)

6. It is always better to start from class files that are larger in size. The server could be found in small files, but rarely. Not always the class files would have weird names like a, z, am, at etc sometimes it could be meaningful names. In those times look in classes thats related to Server like, Network.class, Connection.class etc.

7. Sometimes changing one server isnt just enough. This can be found in the case of UCWEB. Especially for reliance modding you'd need to make around 5 string changes. While for airtel, its just one!!! Overall, its a matter of trial and error. We never know where's the server. Finding the server is the most important step. It requires more of patience and less of skill. I know you guys have got both, so what are you waiting for? Download these files and start it over. Good luck.


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