Apple will officially launch the iPad tablet in India on January 28th according to Radhika Sharma of The Economic Times.
The first-generation iPad hit the U.S. retail stores in April 2010 and the India launch happens almost an year later, at a time when Apple
is widely expected to release iPad 2 in Western markets.
is widely expected to release iPad 2 in Western markets.
The good news is that, unlike the iPhone, Apple isn’t planning to charge a very high premium on the iPad from Indian customers. The price of the Wi-Fi only models will vary from INR 26k to INR 37k, depending on the storage capacity, while the 3G and Wi-Fi models will cost between INR 33k and INR 44k.
The only decent alternative to iPad is the Samsung Galaxy Tab which, though a bit over-priced and not as polished as the iPad, is still doing quite well in India.
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