The Dropbox team recently released a new version of their BlackBerry application. The new version is numbered and it comes with some fixes and improvements. If you who have been following the recent forums builds, then you won’t notice much difference in this version. You can easily download the
latest version of Dropbox for Blackberry from the Dropbox Blackberry Forum. Check out the complete changelog below.Changelog:
- saving non-ascii texts results in garbled text
- handling of edge cases when running out of space on sd card and in device memory
- open-edit-upload usecase wasn’t working for devices with encryption enabled
- share link freezes for some users
- open-edit-upload usecase fails for files with non-ascii filenames
- ‘would you like to allow logging’ dialog shouldn’t appear on first launch
- on rotatable devices, in image gallery, the displayed/cached image is smaller than screen size (shouldn’t happen)
- music/video stops when screen fades out
- user gets a ‘not enough room to write file’ message when trying to open a file that’s already open in docs2go
- uploading file changes for file stored in folder with non-ASCII characters can result in creation of damaged folder name with contents of a new file
- user interface rotation glitches on some screens
- BES permissions problems
- resolve some chronic upload retry issues and related UI glitches
- file browser lagginess when dealing with non-ASCII characters in file names
Dropbox for Blackberry app is currently available only for BlackBerry smartphones running under the BlackBerry OS 4.5 or higher.
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