A blog about cutting edge technology at its maximum pace.

Ritesh Warke On Thursday, October 13, 2011
Earlier I have explained,  
Now I am going to explain you how to show adsense ads only on blog homepage or on blog post page.
Just follow the instructions,

Go to Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates.

Recommended post What is google ranking.
To show ads on homepage only,

If you want to add your ads after post title but only show in homepage

&lt;div class='post-header-line-1'/&gt; <br>
&lt;div class='post-body entry-content'&gt; <br>
&lt;b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &amp;quot;item&amp;quot;'&gt;<br>
<b><span style="color: red;">
&lt;/b:if&gt; <br>
&lt;div style='clear: both;'/&gt; <br>
&lt;!– clear for photos floats –&gt; &lt;/div&gt;

To show ads on blog posts only, modify your code like this,

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>


 If you have any doubts,Feel free to ask here......
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Garg Ankit said...

Hey ritesh,
I am not able to implement this technique.
I want to display google ads just below the post title, but they should appear on the post page only and not homepage. Please help

Ritesh Warke said...

Here I have given full detailed tutorial

Conditional Tags - Targeting Specific pages In Blogger

Somnath Travels said...

ritesh forgot to put < before if please add "<" and it will work correctlyInfotakes.com

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