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Ritesh Warke On Thursday, February 3, 2011

Now you can listen Hello FM 106.4 online through your Internet connection.You don't need to pay any additional fees for listening the Hello Fm.
How to listen the Tamil Hello FM 106.4 radio online: 
1.First download the File given here.(Credit goes to Tamilradios).
2.Just double click the file,if you get error Message like Windows cannot open the file the just select the Windows Media Player Pro gramme and open through it.
3.When you opened the file you will get response as Connecting To Media,wait for few seconds.This delay time depends upon your Internet Connection Speed.
4. After the delay time you can listen the Hello FM 106.4 on your Computer PC.
1.You will get Crystal Clear Sound Clarity without any noise disturbance.
2.No need of any Aerial.
1.It consumes some Internet connection Speed.So you may feel the decrease in speed of Both Browsing And Downloading.


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