Here i'm going to give free BSNL 3g trick for mobile for south india user...
Please read the whole post...
This trick is working perfactely in Karnataka, try in your state...
Here is the trick..
step1. Open default brwsr and select the apn which not open any site bsnlinternet for karnataka, bsnlmms 4 kerala, bsnlsteam 4 ap.
Minimize it
step2. Then open any other browser and conect it wt apn which gv tempory prblm eror msg ie. Bsnlwap 4 karnataka, bsnlportal 4 kerala, and bsnlwap for ap. This apn not conect the site and U get a msg that u used okb.
Step3. So then conect the browser with apn bsnlnet for all states. U get a msg that u usd 0kb. After that msg all is free
Note :
- Never disconnect access point BSNL INTERNET, BSNL MMS or BSNL STREAM.
- At the time of disconnecting first disconect BSNL NET and after that disconnect BSNL INTERNET, BSNL MMS or BSNL STREAM.
- Only 0.01 Rs. will be charged at the time of disconnecting...
- In the inbuilt web browser 'web connection time out' pop up will come but don't worry about that.
Balance condition : should not be 0 Rs..
Trick will also work in 2g phone but speed will be slow...
Please read the whole post...
This trick is working perfactely in Karnataka, try in your state...
Here is the trick..
step1. Open default brwsr and select the apn which not open any site bsnlinternet for karnataka, bsnlmms 4 kerala, bsnlsteam 4 ap.
Minimize it
step2. Then open any other browser and conect it wt apn which gv tempory prblm eror msg ie. Bsnlwap 4 karnataka, bsnlportal 4 kerala, and bsnlwap for ap. This apn not conect the site and U get a msg that u used okb.
Step3. So then conect the browser with apn bsnlnet for all states. U get a msg that u usd 0kb. After that msg all is free
Note :
- Never disconnect access point BSNL INTERNET, BSNL MMS or BSNL STREAM.
- At the time of disconnecting first disconect BSNL NET and after that disconnect BSNL INTERNET, BSNL MMS or BSNL STREAM.
- Only 0.01 Rs. will be charged at the time of disconnecting...
- In the inbuilt web browser 'web connection time out' pop up will come but don't worry about that.
Balance condition : should not be 0 Rs..
Trick will also work in 2g phone but speed will be slow...
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