Step one: Create an account
Open a Google Adsense account, its free? Just go to Google Adsense website
Step Two: Start the ads setup
Log onto your account and click on the tab that says “Adsense setup” see the picture below:
A: Choose the product you'd like to add to your site.
There are five types.
1) AdSense for Content: Display ads that are targeted to your site's content or audience.
2)AdSense for Search: Offer your users site search or web search while earning revenue from ads relevant to their search terms.
3)AdSense for Feeds: Place relevant ads in feeds Google manages for you.
4)AdSense for Domains: Display ads on your parked domains. Parked domains mean they can put any ads on ur site automatically
5)AdSense for Mobile Content : Unlock the revenue potential of your mobile site with targeted Google ads.
Most common User use AdSense for content for their website so choose 1) Adsense for Content
B: Choose Ad Type
Ad Type ONLY mean how your Ad look like not what kind of Ad you want.
Why I can not Choose the type of AdSense Ads I want?
Skip it if you dont want to read
AdSense delivers great click-throughs and high revenues for one reason: the ads are targeted to what the user wants. Google's robot picks out keywords on your page, gets a grip on what your website is about and delivers links that take users to sites that interest them. That's great news... up to a point. As much as you want your users to click on ads that look interesting, you might not want to trust to a robot to pick those ads - and you might prefer to have ads on your page that pay the highest amount possible for each click. But you don't get the choice. You can do lots of things to improve your AdSense revenue, from selecting the layout of your ad unit to choosing the color and size of the font, but one thing you can't do is slip into Google's database and choose the ads. If you could do that, no one would ever choose the low-paying ads. That doesn't mean you can't do anything at all though. The fact is, some smart publishers have been noticing all sorts of interesting results after playing with their HTML code and changing some of the text on their Web page. And some of those results have been very surprising indeed. For example, some publishers have found that placing keywords in certain positions on the page can have an immediate effect on the ads served. The owner of a site about recreation vehicles then would be able to do a little research online to find the highest paying keywords in his area and then - if he knew where those hotspots were - he could place those keywords in the right areas on the page. In addition to the usual ads about camper vans and RV's that his site would receive, the publisher could be certain that at least one of the ads was the highest paying possible. That's the sort of knowledge that's worth money in your pocket. Why some areas of a Web page should be more important than others is a mystery well kept by Google's programmers. But some of Google's ad secrets are leaking out - and they're being snapped up by smart publishers who understand that knowledge and strategy are the key to massive AdSense revenues.
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There are two Type of Ads
1) Ad units: contain either text ads, image ads, or both. The ads are targeted to the content of your page using contextual and placement targeting.
2) Link unit: Each link unit displays a list of topics that are relevant to your page. When users click a topic, they're brought to a page of related ads.
Choose which ever that fit your website
C: Then choose Ad Format and Colors
This mean Choose the size and color that fit on your website
D: Choose Ad Channels
What are channels?
Channels enable you to view detailed reporting about the performance of specific pages and ad units. By assigning a channel to a combination of pages or ad units, you could track the performance of a leaderboard versus a banner, or compare your motorcycle pages to your automobile pages. You can even create a channel to track each of your separate domains, so you can see where your clicks are coming from. While channels can be used to track performance and revenue, they won't have any effect on your earnings or ad targeting.
So create your channel then click the one you want.
Then Continue
Submit and get code
Step three: Get the code
Google will give you a code to place on your website, see the picture below:
Step four: Put the code on your websiteGo to your website and paste the ad code inside the body of the html page. Be patient it might take awhile before the ads appear for the first time.
Step five: Optimize your ads to make more money
The way you place the ads and how you choose their properties can a have dramatic impact on your earnings. Here are mor Information
How to Calculate Adsense Revenue
CTR is click-through-rate.
If the impression is 1000 and you get 10 clicks, that means your CTR is 1%.
eCPM is effective cost per thousand. That means, if you have 2000 page impressions and your clicks earned you $10, your eCPM would be $5.
That is your earning for every thousand impressions.
So, to sum them all up, lets take this example:
You have 10,000 page impressions and 200 clicks and earned $300.
Your CTR is 200/10,000 * 100% = 2%Your eCPM is $300/10,000 * 1000 = $30
So formula of Adsense Revenue is: (eCPM * Page Impressions) / 1000
If you have eCPM $150.17 and your page Impressions is 26
so will earn$150.17 * 26 / 1000 = $3.90.
You can use Adsense Calculator to calculate how much you can earn daily, monthly and yearly.
Daily Page Impressions
Daily page impressions indicate how many times ads are shown per page. You can use your average, anticipated, or current daily page impressions for this
Click Through Rate (CTR)
This figure represents how many visitors actually click your advertisements. You can find this easily on your Google AdSense stats page labeled “CTR.” The average rate is estimated to be about 1.5%.
Cost Per Click (CPC)
Your CPC is the average of how much you get paid for someone clicking one of your advertisements. To find your average CPC take you’re the amount of money you have earned from AdSense (daily, monthly, or all time) and divide it by your total clicks (daily, monthly, or all time).
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